After a Brain Biopsy and two years of continually relapsing [May 2013 -June 2015] , trying Methotrexate and dimethazone and then Imuran and Prednizone, Dee experienced a Grand Mal seizure.
Faced with the choice of another brain biopsy or to try a Rituxan Treatment we chose Rituxan.
The Rituxan was given with Solumedrol one infusion a week for Four weeks the month of June 2015. Dee had been on 120mg of Prednizone previously and was able to reduce to 60mg ,then 50mg, then 40mg.
Dee's last scan was amazingly clear and a year from his seizure he has tapered from 30mg to 20 mg of Prednizone and in three weeks reduces to 10mg!
Next scan in July. Keeping Fingers crossed....
Dee also continues to be part of the Mayo Clinic Study.