hello everybody, my grandmother has had symptoms i believe fit this disease's in 2 bouts: in 2011 and just recently in july of 2016.
information on this disease is hard to come by, the doctors thought it was a virus in the brain...
both these attacks were preceded by viral infections ( first time stomach virus & most recently shingles attack)
i did some research and Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis seemd like a loose fit, not really right but closer than other ideas..
my grandmother said "first time I had a nodule the size of a pinky nail on the middle of my cerebellum this time I have two lesions flatter and a little bit different in appearance on the left side which controls my right side of motor activity"
no doctors shes seen seem to have any idea of this disease we live on long island in new york USA is there any known specialist keen to the inns and outs of this disease around the new york area?
thank yyou guys